
The need for mental healthcare for children has been receiving increasing attention in the disaster-stricken areas. What kind of “mental healthcare” are those children actually seeking?
I think that anyone who wants to support the children should do whatever and as much as he or she can do. We do not have to think of reconstruction assistance as if it is a huge mission. Rather, we just need to spend time with the children.
I believe the children will grow up healthfully by interacting with adults like us.
Precisely because we are going through this difficult time, we – individuals, NPOs, corporations, governments – all need to work together toward one goal. Now is the time to take action.
If you are asking yourself what you can do for these children, I would like you to join us and work with us. There is always something you can do here.
We can provide sufficient support for children in the disaster-stricken areas only by connecting all supporters, including you.

General Incorporated Association
Project YUI Consortium
Director Akira Nagao





What Is Project YUI?

Recovery from the disaster will require unprecedented effort and enormous time. Also, we believe that it cannot be achieved without the collaboration of individuals, NPOs, corporations, and governments. At no other time has Japan needed to unite as a nation so desperately.
Project YUI was launched by people who share the same belief and are eager to devote their spare time to the reconstruction effort.
We focus on providing opportunities for children in the disaster-stricken areas to learn and play, and we support their activities by collaborating with various organizations. Our goal is the continuous support of those children and the recovery of the community through a long-term plan of at least three years.


Organization Overview

Name :General Incorporated Association  Project YUI Consortium
Date of foundation :May 9, 2011
Director :Akira Nagao
Address :302 Toho building 3-1-7 Mita Minato-ku, Tokyo   108-0073
Website :
Contact :info●送信時、●は@に置換お願いします)
Board members :Naoki Ogiwara and 12 members
Auditor secretary :Yohei Kato
Corporate lawyer :Yasuaki Tanaka
# of advocate :43
# of sponsor :87 organizations/companies
Observer :Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Advisor :Kan Suzuki (member of the House of Councilors)

*As of February 2012



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